Thursday, January 11, 2007

Mi nueva profesion de PARTERA!!!

Bueno para los que no saben aqui ya me han nombrado la partera de la familia. Tuve el pribilegio de estar presente en el parto de mi bello sobrino AJ, ayudando a Diana en uno de los momentos mas dificiles y ESPECIAL de una mujer....TODO fue un exito, por la cual fue que me recomendaron para hasistir a BERKY LUGO i couldn't say no...BUEEENo ayer me pase el dia entero ON CALL, hasta que finalmente despues de 2 horas tratando al las 9:56pm Berky tuvo su bella bebe...Emily Marie Mercedes(yes she has 3 names) 9lb 1oz, 21 inches long (BIIIG GIRL) But my point is that IT WAS AMAZING!!!! the entire process and after ALL the HARD work trying to push, puuuuush, puuuuuush... it's soooo rewarding when you hear that little cry of the baby!!!! OHHH MYYY GOD!!! just AMAZING!!! Asi que ya saben, for those who are planning on having babies get started, if you ever need a MIDWIFE or DULA (like they call them or should I say like they call US around here) jajajaj!!! YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME!!!

Les mandare fotos en unos dias cause I took pictures with Berky's camera...

(ohh by the way sorry if I had bad spelling in spanish...I need to practice more)

La Cli

1 comment:

Karis said...


Oh, and this is very convinient for me because I am such a chicken...